Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Differences between men and women/DANCE AND MATH

DANCE AND MATH Click title to listen to song

She wants connection.  He wants space.  She wants to talk.  He wants some peace and quiet.  She wants to just go do something.  He wants to relax at home after a long day.  Of course these are generalizations but we read and chuckle cause we know that most of us fit into the stereotype. And there's a reason we do.

Women want 30 minutes of foreplay.  Men want 30 seconds. A women's hand writing is legible and a man's needs scientific analysis. In a women's public washroom, women collectively feel the responsibility for it's cleanliness.  Men..... yeah...
A woman's grocery cart has low fat yogurt, fruits, veggies, grains and lean meat.  A man has doritos, a frozen dinner, a pack of red bull for the day and beer for the night.

 woman knows what time her kids' ballet is, when the doctor's appointment is, how much money to send to school for hot lunch day and makes sure the kids nails are cut.  Men are like - we have kids right? (ok that was an exaggeration but it made for a good point so don't be offended males.  We all know that the modern day dad is much more participatory than ever before).

Women want details, need details, create details that aren't even there. Men just want to get to the point!

Don't the differences between men and women just fascinate you?  I would say in my top 5 friends, 2 are guy and 3 are girls, and it's a blast to have guys as friends. They are so easy going compared to girls.  They would rewrite the Robert Frost poem "two roads diverged in the woods and I took the one less dramatic and that has made all the difference"!!  I love the simplicity of men.  They don't play games.  They don't manipulate.  They mean what they say.  How refreshing!!!

Oddly 2 of my other girl friends are not dramatic at all either and then I have one who.... wellllll.... she just opened a School for the Emotionally Charged Female.  Courses include
-How to Over Analyze in 30 min
-How to drown in water up to the ankle
-Misunderstanding Male actions
-The Art of Interpreting Male Text Messages

I'm sure you know a few of the students who are attending and some who have graduated from the program with a Masters.

One day she wanted me to meet her for coffee because she needed to process about a text she had received from a guy.  We sat down at our regular spot at Starbucks and she leaned across the table.
"Ok!" She opened up, "Here's what he texted."
She showed me her phone which read exactly "see you later...".

"What do you think he means?" she asked.

I stopped myself from giving her a look like she was the most challenged female in the world.

"Ummm," I said, "he means 'see you later"

"Yeah but what about the '...'?' she asked.

"He just means 'see you later'.  Guys mean what they say.  If he said see you later then he means that.  The '...' probably just means an extension of the later."

"Yeah but I mean he didn't say when or give a time or anything.  Maybe he is just blowing me off."

"Nope.  He just means 'see you later'"

My answer wasn't satisfying her.

Ok really? I slammed my hands down on the table!!  "HOW MANY ESTROGEN PILLS DID YOU TAKE THIS MORNING?!!!!"

"WHAT!!!?" she said in frustration.

"He means see you later. Period.  That's us females that hide our meaning inside of everything and require reading between the lines.  Guys don't do that.  He just means he'll see you later."

Ironically, I walked across the street to meet a guy friend for lunch.  He had wanted to talk. (odd!)  I sat down and he handed me his phone.  "Can you help me?  What does she mean by this....."  Oh dear!

I think we often like people who are similar to us.  There is an instant connection and it's not a lot of work to create a relationship.  But there is something much more satisfying for me about looking through another person's perspective. Sometimes it's a struggle to put on another person's glasses and see life the way they do, but I feel the uniqueness of life when I do.

I like what's different from me far more than I like what's similar.

Sometimes I'm offended when I feel like my male friends don't take me seriously enough but then I realize that perhaps I shouldn't be taking myself quite so seriously.

Dance an Math was written about men and women, how we are different but yet there is this incredible connecting ground where meet.



  1. Can you get the friend at Starbucks together with the friend across the street?

  2. I hope you find a guy that exceeds your hopes and expectations, high though they may be. I hope he loves God and treats you right, seeing your needs and meeting them according to grace and mercy. I hope you find happiness on this side of the veil, that whatever deep need in you becomes satisfied fully and that your children become all you hope they will. Most of all I hope to see you flying high someday soon on the winds of revival again like the bird of Prey that you are. Your inspiration to many has inspired me and given me hope to fight on and I am always grateful for that. Thank you, Shalom and for goodness sake be safe on all your far flung and short local travels.
