Thursday, April 11, 2013

MY DAY IN VENICE!!!/merry-go-round

MERRY-GO-ROUND (click title to listen)

Woke at 2:30 am only because it was supper time on my time zone.  I find that's what wakes me up on another time zone, not the sleep part, but my stomach!
I was starving!  It was still 3 ½ hours until the continental breakfast opened. I checked my carry on suitcase and I had one little box of yogurt covered raisins.   That held me over for about an hour and then I went to the vending machine.  How could it be that I was in Italy and eating out of a vending machine.  At 6:01 I went downstairs and asked the front desk if there was breakfast.  It seemed quiet. He said it started at 7:00.  I was starting to turn crazy.

At 6:59, me and about 30 Chinese people stormed the breakfast room where I ate... um... well.... 2 plates of food, 2 bowls of cereal and 2 lattes.  Don't judge me, it was a long time of being hungry!

I walked to the train station shortly after and caught a train into Venice.  I sat in a section full of school kids and I wondered if my own kids would act like such clowns on such a trip.  They probably would. 

I got off the train and walked through the station.  It's an amazing set up!  You go through the doors of the train station and it's almost like a great reveal or something.  You enter Venice like you're entering a whole new world.  Literal chills ran down my spine and all over my body and you know that saying “it took my breath away”?  Well it's a real saying.  It took my breath away.  

I stood there and stared and wanted to cry, which seemed stupid but I have wanted to be in Italy for a long time. 

I took a water bus to the farthest side, Palasso Ducale, because I wanted to go to go to Teatro La Fenice, a famous theatre.  I got off the water bus and went straight for the first coffee shop where I ordered a latte and sat and looked around.  So far I heard about 5 different languages being spoken. One word: tourists!!

I took out my map and turned on my internal gps.  Ok, I could stay 5 nights in a hotel and when I left my room I would go the wrong way to the elevator every single time.  I have NO internal gps.  I paid really close attention though to where I was walking, looked at my really crappy map and set off.  

At first I didn't really care where I was because I was stunned by everything.  I hadn't realized there are NO cars.  The “streets” are so narrow that I can touch the sides of the buildings at the same time with each hand. 

Right – left, left – right – left, straight- right – dead end.  This would be a good time to explain something. You know the hulk?  He gets mad and turns into something totally different?  I have a similar thing inside and it's triggered by being lost.  There is no other time it comes out, but when I'm lost I turn into a literal monster.  Ask Kate, Anna, Sonia, my kids – there's no denying it.  I become a raging monster.   I could feel my “clothes” starting to tear as I transformed but I was doing my best to hold it off. 

I have NO idea how but I looked up and low and behold there was the theatre.  I paid my 10 euro which got me into the tour and let me take pictures.  It also got me a phone that I could listen to that was my own pre-recorded tour guide. 

I walked in and burst into tears.  It was spectacular.  I couldn't move. I couldn't breath.  I looked around at the detail and beauty and thought I might be dreaming.  I listened to the guide and I won't bore you with the details. (unless you're a history nerd, in which case you'd love the details!)

From there I decided to find my restaurant.  It was the one that is in my book Taverna del Campiello Remer!  It's where 2 characters in my book meet so I wanted to go there for lunch.  Ummmm... 2 hours perhaps I was lost.  I walked around in circles.  And squares and octagons and any other possible shape.  Being the polite Canadian, I didn't want to ask for help because I thought those poor people probably get that all day long! (American's would just ask... ooooo ouch – little jab just for Claudia!)

I passed 2 men sitting outside a pub and then I passed them again.  They smiled, ok, laughed at me.  The third time they called me over and asked where I was going.  I showed them the name and the guy who didn't speak English said he knew where it was and he would take me there.  I was suddenly wishing I had Liam Neeson as my dad just in case I was “taken”. 

He did indeed know where it was and I thanked them for their help and they asked for credits in my book :)

I went in and sat down and it was wonderful.  A guy there who spoke English asked if he could sit with me.  He was an ex employee and so when I said I was writing a book, he felt the need to give me a lot of details about the place. It was helpful. 

I took my computer out and wrote for a bit while I had all those details right in front of me. 

From here I needed to head to the big old bridge who's name I can't think of right now.  I walked in the wrong places again and decided that my map was from the devil.  Right when my monster was about to rear its ugly head I looked to my right and there was an H&M.  That's enough to calm anyone's monster.  Bought a black dress... gee really? Yep black.  14 euro. 

When I left the store I went in the total wrong direction and got lost again. Where is Kerrie when you need her?!  That woman has a creepy sense of direction!  The buildings are so stunning.  The water, the shapes of everything from the windows to the arch ways.  I mean it's really indescribable. 

I found where I needed to go (that's the short version) and crossed the bridge.  I needed to get to restaurant #2 for the book.  I walked and walked and walked and walked.  My back was cramped from the weight of my bag, my feet hurt. Still I was enjoying myself, holding my monster at bay!  Another 2 guys saw me looking lost and tried to help me. “go here then there then over there then fly to the moon and back.” That's all I heard!

I had some gelato just so Gail would be proud of me since I couldn't find the donuts. 

I gave up and decided that part of the book would have to be left to my imagination.  I was ticked to say the least and I think my monster got the best of me at one point when I said out loud “I hate this city!”  It's just the monster!  I don't hate the city!

I decided to sit down and just write so I could make the most of it.  I had another latte, I think my 4th for the day, and wrote outside in the sun.  It was really nice. 

All I had to do was get back to the train.  I couldn't believe how exhausted I was!  

On my way I saw a sign for the museum of modern art.  Not a huge museum fan but I had to go.  I followed the signs (and a lady with a map) and did a tour of that! Inspiring!

I did great getting to the train because I looked up in the sky and followed the seagulls assuming they were at the main body of water. I was right for once. 

I caught a look of myself in a window and laughed.  Humidity does wonders for the hair!  I figured I should go to the bathroom before I left and I was amazed that I had to pay.  I was suddenly glad that I really had to go!

Just before leaving I sat on the steps one more time and took out my computer looking through my story for more detail I could insert.  
I had one more gelato.

Overall, Venice seemed to me a bit like Time Square.  There's nowhere in the world I have ever been that's like it.  Wonderful to visit but I couldn't live there. 

Now I'm on the train back.  I'm stuffed! My monster is calmed. My day was spectacular. And I'm happy to go back to the hotel and sleep.  

Tomorrow - Finland!

As for the song above - I'm not going to say what it's about just yet... I would like to hear what people think first.  So feel free to comment.

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